Träningsupplägg för Team U14-16 2021

Träningsupplägg för Team U14-16 2021

Vi har skapat ett flexibelt, kostnads- och skoldagseffektivt helhetsupplägg för sommar och höst 2021 som riktar sig till U14 & U16.

Det är ett fullt sommarupplägg med fystester, barmark, individuella träningsprogram, 21 lägerdagar (Valfria samlingar) samt träning och coachning under Vemdalsslalom 2022.

Syftet och målet med gruppen är att genom kontinuitet och långsiktighet utveckla åkarnas färdigheter inom alpin racing. Vi arbetar individanpassat med utvärdering och uppföljning med huvudfokus på åkarnas färdigheter inom teknik och taktik.

Vår ambition är att skapa ett team med skandinaviska ungdomar som har höga målsättningar, är drivna och visar stor skidglädje. Du förväntas ha självdisciplin och viljan att arbete hårt för att uppnå dina mål.

Ansvarig tränare: Anders ”Calle” Carlsson
Calle var med och startade upp Trysil Rennskole, vad som nu är Trysil Race Academy. Han har arbetat i Trysil de senaste 10 åren. Dessförinnan har han jobbat med de svenska och norska skidförbunden under många år. Han har varit ansvarig för de norska EC och WC herrarna. Calle har också hunnit med att jobba med det svenska WC laget där han jobbat både med herrar och damer inom teknikgrenarna.

Assisterande tränare: Kan variera från läger till läger.

Totalt antal dagar: 28 dagar

Tester & Barmarkssamling: 2 dagar i Sverige (Ort bekräftas under våren)

Lägerdagar: 21 (Valfria dagar med TRA under maj-oktober. Vissa läger kommer vara rekommenderade för gruppen).

Träning inför och under tävlingsdagar Vemdalsslalom: 5 Dagar.


Antal deltagare:

Minimum: 8 st

Maximalt: 16 st

Vid eventuellt fler än 16 anmälda, tar ansvarig tränare Anders ”Calle” Carlsson slutgiltigt beslut om vilka som tilldelas en plats. Beslutet tas med utgångspunkt i åkarens inställning och målsättningar.

Pris: 27,100 NOK

I priset ingår:

  • Träningsavgift
  • Fystester
  • Individuellt träningsprogram
  • Trasséavgifter
  • Klädpaket (Personlig nummerlapp, Hoodie, Keps, Buff och Mössa)
  • Åkarprofil + uppföljningsdokument att ta med till klubbtränare

Vad som tillkommer för åkarna:

  • Liftkort
  • Boende och mat (Vi nyttjar våra kontakter och avtal för att hålla kostnaderna nere)
  • Resekostnader
  • Salt (Vid behov kommer vi använda salt, kostnaden fördelas jämnt över antal deltagare)


Om ni vill anmäla er till Team U14-16 så hör ni av er direkt till Fredrik Sars. Besked om antagning till programmet lämnas inom 7 dagar från att en formell anmälan lämnats in till Fredrik. Om ni inte är bekanta med Trysil Race Academy sedan tidigare men funderar på om det här upplägget skulle passa er, så är ni välkomna att kontakta Fredrik för att ordna så ni kan komma och hälsa på oss i Trysil eller på något av våra läger i Sverige.


Vid antagning kommer 5000 NOK att faktureras för att låsa upp din plats. Därefter kan resterande summa betalas vid programmets start i sin helhet eller delas upp på två eller tre betalningar.


Trysil Race Academy förbehåller sig rätten att göra ändringar i programmet för det fall träning inte är möjligt på den planerade orten eller vid den planerade tidspunkten på grund av yttre omständigheter. För det fall svenskar fortsatt inte kan resa in i Norge vid det första rekommenderade lägret så kommer det flyttas till en ort dit vi kan resa. Trysil Race Academy förbehåller sig även rätten att göra förändringar på priset eller helt ställa in programmet för det fall vi inte uppnår minimumantal deltagare.

Deltagande i träning:

För att öka er flexibilitet har vi i år valt att ha rekommenderade samlingar för teamet under våren. Därefter väljer man själv vilka samlingar man åker på. Man kan nyttja sina 21 lägerdagar vid valfria tillfällen från maj-oktober, och självklart öka på med fler dagar därefter om man så önskar. Vår utgångspunkt är att träningen som bedrivs skall vara hög kvalitativ och deltagarantalet får därför inte bli för stort. Vår utgångspunkt är att TRA även bedriver öppen träning på samma orter vid samma tidpunkter

Frågor eller funderingar:

Har ni frågor eller funderingar är ni varmt välkomna att kontakta Fredrik Sars på nedan angivna kontaktuppgifter eller Anders ´Calle´ Carlsson, Tel: +47 476 030 16

Take care and stay safe!

Fredrik Sars

Managing director Trysil Race Academy AS

Off-season 2020, not exactly what we had planned for..

Off-season 2020, not exactly what we had planned for..

By now I understand everyone is a bit tired to hear about Covid and what effects the pandemic have brought with it. I would still like to share briefly how we have handled it and how it has affected our operation.

As Trysil Race Academy's first off-season was approaching we had big plans and several new groups in addition to our open training camps. We were planning to spend May-October working hard and skiing a lot on the Norwegian glaciers and in the new indoor arena in Oslo. We had 103 confirmed camp days booked during this period. We have managed to implement approx. 30 of those 103 planned days.

Our standpoint from the beginning was to do what we can as a company to help stop this pandemic, we decided right from the beginning to have a strict approach and follow every guideline from the governments in the countries we were to have camps. This meant a lot of frustration trying to keep up with the constantly changing rules and whom could join depending on where they lived etc.

During July and August, Trysil Race Academy conducted three camps at Juvasshytta and at Snö in Oslo with good conditions and many happy athletes from Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

In september we had to cancel all our scheduled camps due to new travel regulations. Instead we have used our resources to support and help Trysil Race Elite during their camps and trainings on glaciers and in Trysil.

October have been a light in the tunnel, we have been able to stay busy organizing camps in Sölden, Austria and Kåbdalis, Sweden. Calle & Dan went to Sölden for our very popular week 43 camp. They had perfect conditions and very motivated athletes, happy to finally be back on snow. Fredrik, Isac and Marius have been in Kåbdalis working with three different groups. This was the first time in Kåbdalis for all three of us. After 12 days in the north there was three exhausted and happy coaches travelling back home after great camps with a lot of new faces. We are looking forward to see all of you again shortly!

Looking forward, we are firstly hoping for some cold weather to get Trysil and other facilities across the border opened. For the upcoming season we are planning to host training on both sides of the border to be able to work with all of you, no matter your nationality or home city. Stay tuned, we will release more information as soon as we have something confirmed!

Take care and stay safe!

Fredrik Sars

Managing director Trysil Race Academy AS

October was a blast!

October was a blast!

After a tough September due to weather conditions and big volume on fitness and skiing, October was much more grateful with the conditions and a bit more forgiving on volume. We have started to change the intensity, with fewer runs and longer courses. The first races are 20 days away for Andreas and Christoffer and a bit more than a month ahead for the rest of the group. We are getting ready!

Snø October 6th and 7th

First time in the ski hall as a team, what a great set up! The volume we get in two days is priceless.

Flats, rolls and the last steep pitch, that is what Snø is about. The conditions are great to work on acceleration and maintaining the speed all the way down. A bit of frustration showed up during the first days trying to figure out how to find the platform with the low speed and high frequency. At the end, great first contact with the ski hall and excitation to come back.

After Snø; two days of fitness and a super fun day rafting in Trysil and then back to Juvass.

Juvass from October 11th to the 20th

Ladies and gentlemen, we got it. What a week! Finally, sunny, cold and consistent surface… Smiley faces were showing off more often and things are easier for the athletes with these conditions. The previous camp in Juvass was very tough. It was especially exhausting with the constantly changing weather conditions, but mother nature treated us very well this time.

We skied SG for 3 days (two of them doubling with GS), 2 days of SL and 5 days of GS. We have previously worked hard on position and we are now focusing more at finding the line that allows us to carry speed. Everyone ended the camp satisfied and looking forward for more training.

Conversion to power strength

8 days without skis at home means… fitness time!

After our period of max strength, we started to lift quick. Let’s take it easy on weights and let’s send the bar up to the sky! We will keep this as our goal until we get closer to the races. Then we will move over to maintenance and keep the bodies fresh.

We are also working hard on mobility, trying to keep the back and hips as loose as possible, proprioception sessions here and there as injury prevention for the knees/ankles. Small doses of anaerobic circuits and of course, core.

Snø from October 29th to the 30th

Another great block in Snø: 10 runs/day 42-43 turns/course, over 400 turns/day.

We are feeling the flats big time! Huge step forward for the athletes creating good speed on the flats and working with the terrain. We had a special guest Simen Christensen showing us how to ski the flats as efficient as possible.

Very productive Go Kart session on Thursday, with two clear goals; have fun and line choice. Now back in Trysil for another short block of fitness and we will go back to Snø November 5th.

TRE, that was a push!

TRE, that was a push!

We knew it, we knew it… We had lot of work to do from the very beginning and we have done a good portion in these past 2 months. The preseason turned out to be 3.5-4 months (from August to November) and TRE had to adapt. We made a tight calendar for September, the athletes pulled it through with a great progression and attitude.

Fitness camp from August 31st to September 3rd

After the first ski camp in August and a little rest we had 4 days of fitness camp. We kept following our plan and moving into a period of Hypertrophy and Max Oxygen in the metabolic. Results started to show up, the athletes were able to lift with better technique and heavier weight, also, the times were getting lower while running.

Ski camp 2, Juvashytta from the 6th to the 11th of September

After two days of resting, we were driving back to Juvass. Another good camp considering the tough weather.

We planned the preseason prioritizing GS in Juvass knowing we will have more time to be training SL in Snø during October and beginning of November. With that said, the days that could be compromised due to weather, we planned SL to make sure we will not be short on GS volume.

At the end we skied SL the 7th, the 8th was closed and GS 9th, 10th and 11th. We kept working on basics with posture from feet to hip and started to introduce the movements to create more power into the ski from transition to apex. The improvement was good, and the athletes were able to keep a higher intensity with longer courses.

Fitness camp September 13th and 14th plus Ironman test the 16th

Like everything in life, we must adapt to any external conditions where we have little or none control, so we did with the Ironman test.

The plan was to do 3 fitness days, a little rest and then drive back to Juvass on the 17th. Although, we needed the Ironman test done before we start the season to get our scores and be able to check where we are at. We are thankful to Trysil Videregående Skole (Trysil ski gymnasium) to let us join them on their test day, we used their facilities and structure to have it done. The safety distances were always applied; when they were doing a test, we were waiting in another space and vice versa.

The results showed some improvements from the beginning of August but gave us an input of reality on what we must work on.

Ski camp 3, Juvass from September 17th to the 27th

And finally, we got to the last ski camp this month and last big push. Again, weather had a lot to say and the mountain was closed 2 of the 9 days with scheduled skiing, another 3rd day was closed but we had it planned as a rest day.

Committed to our plan, we prioritize GS over SL and got 6 and 2 days respectively. We planned to introduce some SG but the snow/weather conditions didn’t provide the safety we were looking for. We focus on the tactics, applying a longer diagonal in transition to find more speed and force the athletes to create a deeper and a more efficient turn. On the technical aspect, we can proudly say that our ABC progression is established when the athletes need to come back to their basics: ankles-knees-hips squared. We also started to specify the movements each athlete need, to be able to apply the tactics in the course.

On the 27th we had the camp done. Special mention on how proud we are with our athletes keeping the focus during that week, it was a real mental effort and our plan on mental toughness is working. We had wind, rain, snow, ice, water, slush, salt, sun, fog, cold, warmth… In conclusion, any kind of conditions an athlete can find on the mountain, we experienced all of them in 7 days. Now we are finishing our week off and looking forward to start training in Snø on October 6th and 7th before our last camp in Juvass for this season. GREAT PUSH!

Trysil Race Elite is ON!

Trysil Race Elite is ON!

We have completed our first month operating as a team. The motivation is high and the hard work philosophy has been on at all times. It was a complex start with all the restriction due to Covid-19 but we solved it very well.

Arrival and two fitness camps:

The athletes arrived to Trysil between the 1st and the 2nd of August, they adapted themselves into the athletes house in Jordet; open relaxing spaces, 2 kitchens full equipped, storage plus ski room, play ground… It’s simply a great set up to live and have access to anything an athlete needs.

On Monday, the 3rd of August we started our first fitness camp for 5 days. We were in quarantine and had to be careful to not be in contact with people, other than the teammates. We used all kind of resources to adapt the outdoors into our fitness plan; rocks, tables, benches, logs, running, biking, hiking, etc.

The second fitness camp, from the 10th to the 14th of August, we were still training outdoors until the day our quarantine was over, then we started lifting and moving on with our fitness plan.

In the metabolic part we were looking to build a good aerobic endurance base, while in the muscular part, we were adapting our bodies to any kind of movement we will use in the future, taking good care on the tempo, coordination and good form.

The athletes adapt very well and pushed themselves up to the high standards this team is looking for.

1st Ski camp in Juvasshytta

After the two intense weeks of fitness the athletes had the time to rest and get ready to go to Juvasshytta on August 18th. Some of the athletes took advantage of the weekend and went to Snø before for some boot and ski testing.

We planned to ski 5 days straight (19th to 23rd), rest on the 24th and four more on snow until the 28th. When we arrived, conditions were in the limit; it was warm, a lot of water and very soft snow. With salt and mental toughness, we took advantage of the days and the weather never stopped us until the storm came over on the 21st in the night. The mountain was closed for two days due some problems with the Tbar, the snow covers flew over the lift, so they remained closed the 22nd and 23rd. Thanks to the good work from the mountain and a little help from our coaches, the 24th we were back on snow with prime conditions. A bit of fresh snow and cold temperatures gave us the opportunity to ski 5 straight days.

We worked on the fundamentals. Making sure our position is in a good place from the feet up. A lot of repetition, a lot of slow drills and very high volume on runs/turns. The consistency paid off and the improvements during the week were noticeable.

Now we are at home and ready to start our 3rd fitness camp after 2 deserved rest days. The camp will be over the 3rd of September and we will go back to Juvasshytta on the 6th.

Latest news and upcoming camps 2020

Latest news and upcoming camps 2020

Hello in the summer heat, after unusual spring and summer with a little skiing and many new rules to follow, here is a small update on what we have been doing and what we plan for the fall.

We can happily share that Anders ´Calle´ Carlsson is back on the slopes after a tough year with severe sickness within the family. Calle is very excited to be back and is especially looking forward to meeting all of you again!

On the first of August, we started our new initiative Trysil Race Elite (TRE), eight Scandinavian skiers born 2001-1996 who moved to Trysil to continue their journey towards establishing themselves in the European Cup. The team will have its base in Trysil and spend this year's pre-season on skis in Juvasshytta and in Oslo's new ski hall SNÖ. In between, the dryland training is carried out in Trysil. The plan is based on 230 training days / year. 

A new head coach has been hired for the team, Enric Guerra Cusi. He grew up in Spain but most recently came from Canada where he has worked as a coach for the past four years. You can follow Trysil Race Elite's training and everyday life on instagram: Trysilraceelite.

During July and August, Trysil Race Academy conducted three camps at Juvasshytta and at Snö in Oslo with good conditions and many happy athletes from Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Upcoming camps:

Week 39 (22–27 / 9) Join the season's first speed camp!

Six days with full focus on developing and improving your Super-G technic. We will start the week by developing your skills in the various elements of speed and then move on to full-length Super-g course. Join us for a week at high speed! Our new Elite team will also be on site in Juvasshytta this week.

Week 43 (18-23/10) Sölden (OBS Few spots left!)

During week 43 we will have our very popular camp in Austria with focus on GS. This week offers high quality training in a fantastic environment, with the best skiers in the world on site. The World Cup premiere kicks off 17-18 / 10 with the men's and women's GS. We also have a few spots available for Thursday-Sunday week 42.

Week 45 5-8/11 Snö, Oslo.

The new hall in Oslo is fantastic for quantitative slalom training with the possibility of up to 600 gate passes / day! Guaranteed good conditions.
All camps are open for booking:
We have negotiated affordable accommodation options at all our camps, contact us for more info.

What happens in Högegga

During the summer, a new large start house was built on the EC women's start, which is a big boost for the winter. The work has been led by Dan Hagen, who has also received help from several sources.

The planned opening date for the training center is November 14th, opening will of course take place earlier if the weather conditions allows it. For the upcoming winter, we have negotiated really good prices on several of the hotels incl. meals. Keep an eye on our website for more info!

Application for Trysil FIS Elite Team is now open!

Application for Trysil FIS Elite Team is now open!

We can happily announce that Trysil FIS Elite Team now have opened for applications. For full information regarding the programme please see attached PDF. Application should include:

  • Name and year of birth.
  • Contact information.
  • FIS code.
  • A description of your technical and tactical strengths and weaknesses.
  • Video of SL, GS and SG if you have it.
  • Last two Ironman results (Norwegian athletes) or Fitness test results (If you haven´t done an Ironman test).
  • Short text about your technical, tactical and performance goals for the next two respective five years. Describe how you will get there.
  • Personality – Tell us a little bit about yourself and your skiing over the last three years. Max 500 characters.
  • Contact information to your current coach.

Due to the ongoing and uncertain situation regarding the consequences of Covid-19 we have decided to extend the application time for Trysil FIS Elite Team until 1st of May. This allow us to wait for the upcoming information from the Norwegian government regarding restrictions and other factors that may interfere with our season plan. This decision goes hand in hand with the Scandinavian ski federations decision to postpone the team’s selection for the upcoming season.

The reality is that we no longer expect to be able to start the team in May due to the ongoing pandemic. We are instead aiming for 1st July or 1st of August. This will have a direct effect on the fees connected to joining the team. The annual fee will be reduced in parity with the actual start date.

Trysil FIS Elite is a year-round program based in Trysil where we have planned and budgeted for a significant number of training days in Trysil, pre-season camps and race days. In this regard, it is important that you compare the framework conditions and content of other teams offer before deciding. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

The application can be submitted in English, Norwegian or Swedish.
Last day for applications is 2020-05-01.

Send your application to:

Fredrik Sars

Managing Director

M: +47 99280105

See the full program

presentation (.PDF)

FIS Elite Team Trysil

FIS Elite Team Trysil

We are currently working to establish a FIS Elite Team in Trysil, aiming to start in May 2020. This will a year-round program based on ~230 ski- and training days. It will be a complete program with the goal to provide higher quality and quantity than any of the alternative programs in Scandinavia.

For the first year we will accept 8-12 athletes from Scandinavia, we are looking for a healthy mix of male and female participants. The team will have access to 1 fulltime head coach, 1 assistant coach and when necessary there will also be service staff provided.

The team will be based in Trysil where the athletes will have their main training in Högegga. The athletes will be expected to live and have their own base in Trysil as well. We are currently also in discussions with the Norwegian Ski Federation about possible areas for co-operation.

This work is done and will be organized in co-operation with SnowTeam Trysil and other local partners. There will be opportunities for an extensive range of higher education in combination with this team.

The team will have high goals and we are looking for athletes with the goal to reach the top level of ski racing through hard work and commitment. The team overall goals is:

• Have at least two athletes racing Europa-cup each year.
• Have at least two athletes nominated for World Juniors each year.

This is just a small hint of what’s coming, if you are interested in more information please contact:

Fredrik Sars

Managing Director

M: +47 99280105

Anders “ Calle” Carlsson

Head Coach

M: +47 99280118

Off-season programme for U14-U16

Off-season programme for U14-U16

Starting in May 2020, we will have an off-season programme developed for athletes in U14-16. This includes Iron Man physical test, individually adapted dryland programme, 21 days skiing and three days of training and racing at Skistar Winter Games Vemdalen 2021.

The on snow training will mainly be hosted at Galdhøpiggen summer-ski center and in the new indoor ski facility SNØ in Oslo. We will also go together as a team to SkiStar Winter Games Vemdalen 2021. The goal and purpose of establishing this group is to ensure continuity and long-term development in skills and achievements for the athletes who want to participate in this programme.

We work with individual adaptation and follow-up of each athlete based on the individual athletes's goals and skills within technique and tactic.

We have developed a cost-effective and tailor-made program for the best possible adaptation and coordination with days off school and holidays through spring, summer and autumn 2020. Our ambitions are to extend and offer a further program throughout the 2020-2021 season for these athletes.

Our ambition and goal is to create a team of active ski racers from all over Scandinavia with high goals and ambitions for their own development and performance. We expect self-discipline, structure in your everyday life and that you are willing to work hard to achieve your personal goals.

Facts and info about how to apply:

Headcoach: Anders ´Calle´Carlsson

Assistant coach: TBA

Total number of days: 28 days

Tests and dryland camps: 4 Days in Trysil

Training days on snow: 21 days

Training and Racing at SkiStar Winter Games Vemdalen 2021: 3 days

For further questions about arrangement, cost, and registration please contact Fredrik Sars. Tel: +47992 80 105 or email:

There will be requirements for the individual applicant.

Trysil Renn -og Treningssenter becomes TRA

Trysil Renn -og Treningssenter becomes Trysil Race Academy

January 1st Trysil Renn– og Treningssenter changes name to Trysil Race Academy AS. The new organization aims to provide even better training opportunities in Trysil for ski racers.

For the last ten years, Trysilguidene AS have been operating Trysil Renn- og Treningssenter, which have been the local provider of ski racing training. Both for Teams travelling to Trysil for training but also through Trysil Rennskole who have been providing training opportunities round the year, as a compliment to the Scandinavian ski clubs. For several years there have been thoughts about developing the Race Center and also our own programmes to something even more long-term with local ownership.